Cobra King Speedzone Xtreme Driver Review

Cobra King Speedzone Xtreme Driver Review

cobra king speedzone xtreme driver review


For as long as my memory can recall, I played an 10.5 degree driver. However, my first experiences with the 9-degree driver were not great. With the MyFly MyFly hosel adjustable system, adding loft was simple and easy. My swing fit better when I achieved a higher launch angle. I’ve never had the opportunity to spend much time with a Mitsubishi Tensei CK AV Blue shaft before, but I now love it. Cobra truly offers the best shaft choices to golfers, as you can see from the three stock options for the KING-SPEEDZONE driver.

Reviewing my launch monitor data with Jay Marino, master club fitter at Club Champion, two performance factors stood out – power and forgiveness. If you dig deeper, it is clear that these two factors have a direct correlation in terms of effectiveness and consistency. Smash factor was remarkable high even in the face of significant off-center strike.

Cobra breaks their performance into 6 areas: power, strength and light, as well as aero and stability. They use analogies from race cars but ultimately it comes down to the construction. To build a solid chassis, use Titanium, 360 Carbon Wrap and Weight Positioning to reduce weight. The KING SPEEDZONE driver is reliable because it combines optimized aerodynamics with the infinity face.

cobra king speedzone xtreme driver review

Cobra King Speedzone Xtreme Driver Review And Photos: Clubtest 2020

ClubTest 2020 featured 28 brand new drivers that we evaluated and reviewed to ensure you get the perfect driver for your game. Here are the results of the Cobra King SpeedZone Extreme driver.

Price: $449 / BUY NOW. 9, 10.5 & 12, Our take: While the 458cc Xtreme may be slightly shorter front to back, it features just one adjustable weight. This gives the golfer more freedom for speed, but less workability.

ClubTester’s take (13-hdcp): “Looks like a hammer. This bad boy is easy to swing and I don’t have to worry about him getting away.

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Robot’s take: Like the standard model, forgives toe shots like crazy.


cobra king speedzone xtreme driver review

Cobra Golf King Speedzone Driver – First Impressions Review

COBRA Golf KING Speedzone was one of many drivers I was looking forward to using in 2020. At an Ontario show, in October I was able to see one for the first-time. The driver’s cosmetics made me salivate. I was skeptical if it would live up to my expectations.

At the 2020 PGA Show Orlando, Florida that was a question which I would have responded to. This is my COBRA Golf SPEEDZONE driver review based upon the initial impressions it provided me at Demo Day, Orange County National Golf Resort.

Two models of Set-Up COBRA KING SPEEDZONE XTREME (SZ), drivers are available for golfers who want to upgrade their drivers. COBRA Golf offers both the “standard” and KING SPEDZONEXTREME models. Although they share the same chassis, the drivers will have their own unique configurations. Before we look at all the differences, let us see what they have in common.

COBRA Golf boasts that the new KING SPEDZONE driver line is their most powerful and longest-lasting. This driver’s look is inspired from motorsports. The rear end of the trailing edge has a dual exhaust that you can clearly see. CNC-milled, the KING Z drivers have a face similar to what we saw with the KING F8 in 2018. It’s just that the face features a twist or, should I say, an infinite symbol. This sign signifies “no limits”, or “endless”.

One of the technology we can see in the KING SZ is “Infinity Face”. In utilizing Infinity Face. The face experiences an increased sweet zone, and greater ball speed over the whole surface of its face.

Inaugurated this year was the “T-Bar Chassis”. T-Bar Chassis – This is a section in the interior which runs from the leading edge up to the trailing one. The cross-member COBRA Golf R&D created a stronger frame which improved the durability and feel of the KING SZ Driver.

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Carbon fiber looks great! Drivers from KINGSZ might just be what you are looking for. The KINGSZ boasts a 360 Carbon Wrap. A staggering 50% of your body is covered by the 360 Carbon Wrap. COBRA Golf has been able to shift 25-grams of its discretionary weight using carbon fiber. This feat is a rare achievement in the world of golf club design. Engineers created a driver of forgiveness and ease by shifting the weight from the KING SZ drivers to the other regions.

cobra king speedzone xtreme driver review

Infinity Face of Cnc Milled

While an improved and more aerodynamic shape enables the driver to increase swing speed and ball speed, you still need a very forgiving surface to make it all work right. The Cobra King Speedzone Xtreme Driver review of its clubface shows a CNC-milled face gives you an exceptionally wide and forgiving sweet spot.

Infinity Face is a great way to reduce the impact of putting too much toe or heel on your ball. The titanium Infinity Face transforms the head’s profile into a striking surface. It can launch the ball to the target with its solid hitting surface.

The driver adds distance to even a low-handicapper’s already long drives with improved technology that gives the clubhead a larger sweet spot and greater control over ball spin. The 460cc head and aerodynamic design help to give you the best swing speed. It also does an excellent job at controlling mishits to ensure you are able push the ball off of the fairway and keep it there.

cobra king speedzone xtreme driver review

Why Should I Buy A Cobra Speedzone Xtreme Driver?

King Speedzone Xtreme’s inside workings show that you can get a high-tech driver with maximum COR value.

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If you want to have a driver with more spin or roll on fairway, then you can adjust the mass. It is possible to adjust the mass for ball spin reduction, clubface forgiveness or maximum distance.

The Speedzone has a loft of 9 degrees, which is great for players with lower handicaps. It is possible to get a fairly low, flat trajectory which gives your ball a greater distance off the tee. The ball will fly farther in windy conditions, so a flatter trajectory is better. To achieve the ideal draw and fade bias, you can set your loft to 12.5°.

The best thing about the Cobra Speedzone Xtreme? Its price. The price is lower than other brands who produce similar high-tech drivers. A very stylish and powerful driver can give you straighter, longer driving times.

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Does The Cobra Speedzone Xtreme driver have the ability to forgive?

Cobra King Speedzone Xtreme was designed to achieve ‘extreme speed, distance and forgiveness’. For Cobra’s greatest ever MOI, it features a larger-shaped head and interchangeable 6-g sole weight. The back also has a fixed 17g tungsten weight.

Are Cobra Speedzone Drivers Good?

In its pursuit of a fully CNC milled face, Cobra seems to have found its “face with no limits.” The face, when combined with the other five performance zones, gives the KING SPEEDZONE driver a wonderful balance of power and consistency. The driver’s attractive appearance and adjustability make it a great choice for me. March 18, 2020

What is the Difference between Speedzone Xtreme and Speedzone Speedzone?

The two models–SPEEDZONE and XTREME offer two different looks. The SPEEDZONE has a traditional head shape while the SPEEDZONE XTREME offers more forgiveness.

When was The Cobra King Speedzone Extreme Driver Released?

Nov 19, 2019,

.Cobra King Speedzone Xtreme Driver Review

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