The Golden Boy

The Golden Boy

The Golden Boy

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The Golden Boy


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">The Golden Boy Of Pye Corner

Most people know that Pudding Lane was where the Great Fire of London began, but few are aware of the final destination. You know the answer. You'll find it in the corner between Cock Lane Street and Giltspur Street, a rather seedy section of medieval London.

Cock Lane at that time was one of few London streets (aside from Southwark, which is notoriously lawless) in which brothels could be legal. Meanwhile, Giltspur Street held a reputation as being where Wat Tyler was attacked by Lord Mayor of London. On the corner of these two streets was "The Fortune of War", a pub known for its unsavory drinking habits. Here, bodies taken in the early 1800's were stored in a basement until Saint Bartholomew's surgeons arrived. Ironically, it seems that both Cock Lane's Fortune of War pub and entire street were saved by the Great Fire of London at the very moment when its seemingly unstoppable march was halted.

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At the beginning of the 21st century, the Fortune of War pub. The Golden Boy of Pye Corner is still in its original spot! Thanks to Richard Greatorex at for use of this image.

Although Fortune of War's pub was destroyed in 1910, it was saved by a small 17th-century memorial that still exists in its original location. The original name of the monument was "The Fat Boy". It was later known as the "Golden Boy of Pye Corner" and was gilded sometime in the 1800s.

It was not only intended to memorialize the moment that the Great Fire of London was over, but also to remind Londoners of how their greedy vices were the root cause of the flames. How did this happen? Because the fire began in 'Pudding' Lane and ended at 'Pye' (or Pie) Corner! As the inscription on the memorial states:

This Boy is in Memory put up for the late Fire of London Occasion'd by the Sin of Gluttony.

The capital is accessible easily by train and bus. Check out the London Transport Guide.


.The Golden Boy