Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance

Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

Now that Amazon is an international company with over 100,000 employees worldwide, the company needs its workers to be able to move as well, but does it offer any assistance with relocation?

  • This guide is for Amazon employees. It will explain the various relocation options available to them and how you can take advantage.
  • Amazon offers relocation assistance in 2022

    Amazon offers employees relocation assistance that can pay anywhere from $20K-$40K. This program covers the costs of moving. Fees are payable either as a lump sum or over time in 2022. The fees are negotiable as part of any new employee’s package. Not only can it cover state-to-state relocation but also international moves.

  • You can read on if you want more details about Amazon relocation aid for Amazon new employees.
  • Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    Amazon employees can get relocation help

    Relocation assistance for employees moving to new locations is common for those who have worked in major US companies.

    No surprise, Amazon provides relocation assistance for employees. Amazon currently offers two types of relocation assistance.

  • Option One: Lump Sum
  • Option Two: Relocation Package
  • What’s the Amazon Relocation Assistance Lump Money?

    The employee receives a single payment to help cover moving expenses.

    Often, this lump sum is around $20K at Amazon with some tax advantages included.

    Amazon Offers International Relocation Assistance

    In addition to state-to-state moves, Amazon also pays for relocation assistance for International moves.

    Ex-employees have reported that Amazon offers assistance with relocation. This includes setting up transportation and scheduling flights to the US.

    Additional cash allowances may be possible depending on seniority to pay for incidental expenses.

    Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    What is the process of applying for Amazon Relocation Assistance

    Relocation assistance is not just about filling out forms. New employees must ask the company for it directly.

    It is recommended that you do this in writing, to prevent any misunderstandings.

    Although relocation packages may be negotiable. Take into consideration your individual needs when you are moving and settling in to your new locale.

    This is a sample of an email that you might send to Amazon recruiting staff regarding Amazon relocation help:

  • Subject: Moving costs
  • Good morning,
  • This is why I’m so thrilled to join Amazon and relocate to Frisco. I have looked at the cost of moving and found that it will be $20k.

    Let’s have a chat about this to go over it and revise. Please let me know when you are available and I will set up a time to chat.

  • Many thanks.
  • [Your Name]
  • Amazon Workers Must Repay the Costs of Relocation Assistance

    Amazon often pays for new employees to relocate with the hope that they will stay for longer periods of time with the company.

    Some employees may be unhappy about a career move, or are fired.

    If an employee leaves the job before a year or fails to move, they must pay back the relocation fees at a prorated rate.

    Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

    Do employees have to request relocation assistance?

    Amazon workers may hesitate to ask for assistance with relocation, however it’s okay to do so if you are in an extenuating circumstance.

    Keep in mind that relocation assistance is a part of an employee’s compensation package.

    Since Amazon wants highly skilled employees, the company is willing to pay them well and help them get to the needed locations.

    Amazon should not feel ashamed to ask for help as a worker if they are looking to hire employees.

    Remember to request only what is necessary for your situation.

    The employee who is moving $25K in value should not demand $40K.

    In the end misuse of funds could be even worse than asking to borrow funds when you need them.

    If you want to learn more, you can also see our posts on the Amazon employee assistance program, Amazon employee discount, and Amazon training program.

  • Conclusion
  • In order to help new employees manage the strain of relocating while beginning a new job, Amazon has developed an employee relocation program to help them with the process.

    Amazon’s Relocation Assistance Program offers several packages for helping employees pay expenses associated with moving.

    .Does Amazon Offer Relocation Assistance In 2022? (Guide)

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